Title: The Case of Swedish and German Visitors: The Impact of Income and Exchange Rate Changes on Tourist Inflow to Norwegian Campsites
Abstract: Despite being a significant part of the tourism industry, the demand for campsites has received relatively little attention in the literature. This study aimed to deepen our understanding of the subject. A natural logarithmic regression model with time series data was used to estimate the income and currency elasticity for German and Swedish campers using publicly available data over a 20-year period. The findings indicated that although the impact of income and exchange rates on the quantity of overnight stays was relatively small. While the income elasticity for German campers was zero and not significant, it was significant for Swedish visitors with a value of about 0.5. More German visitors were observed when the euro appreciated, but the estimated exchange rate elasticity was under 1.0. (and significant). The Swedish currency’s strength in comparison to the Norwegian currency did not seem to have any impact. A stronger Swedish currency, measured in euros, had a favorable effect on Swedish campers in Norway. The reason could be that more Swedes take vacations abroad and that the neighboring nations complement one another. These calculations offer valuable data for planning the tourism sector.
Keywords: campsites; demand for camping tourism; time series data; income elasticity; currency elasticity
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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