Title: Cost-Benefit Analysis Bibliometric Mapping: Three Decades of Studies
Abstract: Cost-benefit analysis has evolved over time into a technique that aids in highlighting the benefits and drawbacks in a variety of human endeavors that involve both investment-related projects and non-investment projects. Four research questions had to be established in order to map the current state of publishing activities in the area of cost-benefit analysis for the purposes of this article. In order to achieve this, the outputs listed in the Web of Science Clarivate Analytics database were examined, and the bibliometric analysis technique found in the VOSviewer software was applied. It was determined that nearly 600 outputs had been published, almost all of which were written in English and were produced by authors from English-speaking nations to a greater than 60% proportion. The use of cost-benefit analysis was most prevalent in the fields of economics and social sciences, environment and ecology, and healthcare. In terms of co-authorship, it was discovered that there had been a change from authors from Israel and English-speaking nations to authors from Northern Europe, mostly from China. Three clusters were found in the co-occurrence data: the most frequent cluster included terms associated with economic financial analysis; the second cluster included terms associated with health issues; and the third cluster included terms associated with the application of cost-benefit analysis.
Keywords: cost-benefit analysis; bibliometric analysis; co-occurrence; co-authorship; visualization
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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