Title: Higher Education Institutions’ Effects in Low-Density Areas
Abstract: This article uses the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre as a case study to demonstrate the importance of HEIs being situated in low-density areas in Portugal. This research accounts for the total spending of incoming academics, other nonlocal university members, and their visitors that positively impacts regional development. It is based on the American Council Education model and uses a surveying approach to faculty, staff, and students. In order to estimate indirect and induced effects, a demand-side strategy was used. This research paper’s primary goal is to quantify the overall effects of the Polytechnic’s location in a particular area using economic and social indicators like the financial return on public investment in the area, the number of jobs generated, and the effect on the region’s gross domestic product. The findings indicate an impact of more than EUR 17 million, or 3.68% of the local GDP, in the region where the Polytechnic operates. Additionally, the institution was discovered to be the third largest employer in the area, creating 471 jobs that represent 2.25% of the local economically active population.
Keywords: higher education institutions; economic impact; regional development; low-density regions
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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