Title: South-East Asia Financial Crisis Short-Term Event-Driven Analysis: A Stock Market Approach
Abstract: This article presents a systematic overview of the key short-term events in the South-East Asia Financial Crisis. By concentrating on the equity market rather than the foreign exchange market, where there is already a wealth of literature, and by going in-depth, this analysis adds to the body of knowledge. It is hoped that by analyzing short-term market reactions, policymakers will be better able to make decisions that will have the least negative effects on the stock market. Investors and the overall economy may be significantly impacted by short-term changes in the equity market. The existing literature has a propensity to concentrate on longer time horizons, but from the perspective of an equity investor, short-term fluctuations may be just as important or even more so. These short-term fluctuations, which could lead to investors completely unwinding their positions or even filing for bankruptcy, might average out when looking at longer time frames, underestimating the possible impact on the investor. It would seem crucial to conduct a short-term event-driven analysis of this crisis in light of these pragmatic considerations.
Keywords: financial-crisis; South-East Asia; event driven
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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