Title: From Simplicity to Complexity in Tourist Destinations Using the “Four Core Elements” as a Measuring Instrument
Abstract: A tourist destination’s image must be favorable in order to draw visitors who will help the area develop and prosper economically. Analyzing the creation and measurement of the destination image is the goal of this study. It includes a novel analysis that separates the disparate elements typically included in the cognitive dimension of the image into constituents that give a deeper understanding of it. The image is compared to the corporate image of foreign companies using a model. The formulated hypotheses are tested using a structural equation model and an exploratory factorial analysis. 409 questionnaires filled out by South Korean citizens make up the sample. A new scale is suggested that includes four fundamental components that are necessary for any destination. They will serve as the starting point for the diagnosis of the same’s tourist competitiveness, facilitating the improvement of them. Additionally, this scale, also referred to as the “four core elements,” enables standardization of the measurement of a destination image.
Keywords: destination image; destination competitiveness; cognitive dimension; cognitive elements; Spain; South Korea
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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