Title: Croatia as an Example of Customer-Based Brand Equity for a Travel Destination
Abstract: The global COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on tourism, making it even more crucial for tourist destinations to concentrate on their brand equity from the perspective of their customers—visitors. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to validate and modify the CBBETD model and its attributes for the tourist destination of Croatia from the viewpoint of Czech visitors, among whom primary research was carried out using the CAWI method (n = 451). A model with four dimensions—awareness, image, quality, and loyalty—was developed using factor analysis to extract the key CBBE dimensions. Between 55% and 82% of the variability of a given dimension is explained by the attributes that have been identified. The attributes in each dimension and the subdimension in the image dimension reflect the unique characteristics of Croatia as the study’s destination, even though the study’s results are consistent with published CBBETD models. As a result, the findings of this paper add another model to economic theory and are also applicable to the field of destination management.
Keywords: brand equity; customer-based brand equity; Croatia; destination; destination awareness; destination brand; destination image; destination loyalty; destination management; destination quality; tourism; visitors’ loyalty
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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