Title: Migration Push and Pull Factors Comparison
Abstract: The comparison of the push and pull factors influencing migration between Poland and Romania was the main goal of this study. The goal of the study was to determine which of the push and pull factors has a greater overall and individual impact on migration activity. Primary information gathered from migrants in both countries using a structured questionnaire was used to conduct the study. For Poland and Romania, data were available from 298 and 288 surveys, respectively. The framework for push and pull migration was used to direct the investigation. Validity, reliability, and factor analysis provided satisfactory confirmation of the model’s suitability. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine and assess the hypothesis. According to the study’s findings, pull factors rather than push factors have a bigger impact on migration in these two countries. In comparison to two out of six push factors (social in Poland and Romania), five out of six pull factors (economic, political, and social in Poland and economic, political, and social in Romania) were found to be significant. In all the countries, pull economic factors played a significant role in determining migration. Political pull factors, which affected migrants in Romania, were found to have the greatest impact on both countries. Economic factors, such as the desire to live and work better in other countries, are the primary determinants of migration, and efforts to reduce migration should focus on addressing these factors. In order to control the migration issue, political issues like an unfair legal system, violent conflicts, underdevelopment, poverty, political instability, and corruption need to be addressed.
Keywords: migration; pull and push factors; foreign countries; economic factors; social factors; political factors
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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