Title: On Timor Island, Indonesia, the development of Indigofera species as a source of natural dyes aims to boost community incomes.
Abstract: The development of sustainable tourism is one strategy that may help to achieve the goals set forth in SDG 8 (“Decent Work and Economic Growth”). This goal aims to promote local culture and products while also creating opportunities for productive jobs and livelihoods. Ikat weaving, which is distinguished by distinctive design motives and the use of natural dyes, is an essential component of the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province of Indonesia’s cultural heritage. Unfortunately, due to competition from synthetic dyes and the scarcity of raw materials, especially for the production of blue dye, the use of natural dyes is declining in some regions. There is a lot of potential for the development of Indigofera species to produce organic, plant-based blue dye to boost local economies and create jobs. This study describes a plan for expanding the use of Indigofera spp. as a natural dye and discusses how it may boost local economies, particularly on Timor Island, NTT. According to the study, indigo plants that naturally grow in gardens and yards are currently used by weavers. Even though the community has a history of using these plants, local knowledge can be used to develop the cultivation and processing of this plant. This includes new methods for making indigo paste, which could help Indigofera spp. spread its wings and be grown on a larger scale. According to the study, there is a large amount of suitable land available (about 370 thousand ha), with 80% of that suitable land being designated as critical. The study suggests a development based on the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to determine how these opportunities could be taken advantage of with the support and involvement of regional communities and other stakeholders by drawing on the culture and experience of the community regarding the use of Indigofera spp.
Keywords: Indigofera spp. cultivation; indigo paste production; economic contribution; land suitability; development strategy
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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