Title: The Case of Lebanon: The Drivers of Research Outcomes in Developing Countries
Abstract: The drivers of research outcomes are examined in this paper using a special dataset from Lebanon, a developing nation with unreliable political conditions. We empirically investigate the factors influencing the total number of publications as well as the number of single- and co-authored articles using the Negative Binomial model. According to the findings, men are more likely than women to publish papers that they co-authored. Additionally, our results demonstrate a quadratic relationship between age and the quantity of papers published, with a peak at age 40. The publication rate begins to decline at an increasing rate after this pivotal point. We find that women in large departments tend to publish more co-authored papers when we run the model by gender. Additionally, we discover that associate professors publish more papers in journals with Q2 and Q3 issues than do full professors in those with Q1 and Q2 issues.
Keywords: research productivity; publications; Lebanon
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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