Title: Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation Performance: Employee Engagement through a Leader’s Supervision as a Mediating Factor
Abstract: This study sought to determine how employee engagement (EE) mediated the effects of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) on innovation performance through leader supervision (IP). The study used data from our own survey, which provided the cross-sectional analysis used in this design. For this study, a total of 248 participants—12 managers and 236 employees—were gathered. EE served as a mediator between CE and IP. Additionally, the relationship between CE and IP was moderated by the leader’s oversight. Additionally, the leadership’s control had a mediated moderation effect from the CE to the IP via the EE. This study’s contribution to the literatures on CE, IP, EE, and leader’s supervision is what makes it significant. The organizational learning procedures that improve staff members’ capacity to research markets and develop new products were found to involve CE behavior.
Keywords: corporate entrepreneurship; innovation performance; mediating effect; employee engage- ment; leader’s supervision
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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