
Research Paper on If different voters weigh the issues differently, radial symmetry does not preclude condorcet cycles.

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Research Paper on If different voters weigh the issues differently, radial symmetry does not preclude condorcet cycles.

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Title: If different voters weigh the issues differently, radial symmetry does not preclude condorcet cycles.

Abstract: According to our definition, radial symmetry is a precise condition on continuous ideal-point distributions that is similar to the traditional Plott symmetry condition from 1967 but applies to an infinite electorate; the bivariate normal distribution serves as an illustration. If the electorate favors alternatives X to Y, Y to Z, and Z to X, then a Condorcet cycle exists. If there is no alternative to K that the electorate prefers, then alternative K is a Condorcet winner. There could be unrest if there is no Condorcet winner. A Condorcet cycle must exist in order for there to be no Condorcet winner. Radial symmetry guarantees a Condorcet winner by preventing Condorcet cycles, but this result is based on the assumption that all voters will weight the dimensions equally. Our counterexamples demonstrate that if voter issue weighting varies, a Condorcet cycle can develop even in the presence of radial symmetry. This discovery might have practical applications beyond theory: If voters differ in how they weight the dimensions, it might imply that Condorcet cycles are more likely to occur in an empirical setting (without radial symmetry). For the purpose of illustration, we look at a Condorcet preference cycle in the Finnish presidential election of 1931 in terms of two dimensions (left-right and linguistic).

Keywords: Condorcet cycle; Condorcet winner; Condorcet paradox; multidimensional issue space; radial symmetry; spatial modeling

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Economics

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

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