Title: Iran as an Example of Infrastructure Provisioning for Personnel Needs in the Gas and Petrochemical Cluster
Abstract: In all states that produce oil, the issue of staffing the gas and petrochemical cluster is acutely raised. The goal of this article is to examine problem- and program-focused approaches to building infrastructure for staffing requirements in Iran’s gas and petrochemical cluster. They are peculiar in that they are members of natural monopolies with substantial capital concentration. Two strategies were found in this study to create infrastructure provision for the cluster’s personnel needs. The first strategy, known as program-targeted, depends on creating programs to address the shortage of qualified specialists. The second strategy, problem-oriented, takes into account both the root causes of the issue and potential solutions. Several conclusions can be drawn from the study’s findings. First, developing Iran’s gas and petrochemical cluster will not be possible with the traditional understanding of human resource infrastructure (GPC). Second, in order for social production to succeed, infrastructure must be developed appropriately, every process must be justified technically and economically, and the entire sector must be focused on endogenous elements of advancement in science, technology, and society. The issue of staffing each stage with employees from the general workforce, scientists, engineers, experts in the fields of organization, management, and economics, as well as executives at various levels, is the system’s most crucial problem.
Keywords: gas and petrochemical cluster; program-targeted; problem-oriented; personnel need
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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