Title: Are Urban Poor Societies in Indonesia Protected by National Health Insurance in 2019?
Abstract: A vulnerable group were urban poor societies. Once they become ill, their poverty worsens. The government started the National Health Insurance (NHI) program as a means of resolving this issue. We looked at the element that influences NHI membership in urban poor societies. Everybody who lives in urban poor societies was included in the study population. NHI, age, gender, education, employment, and marital status were the five characteristics that the study looked at in a sample of 3455 participants. The research employed binary logistic regression as a final step. The findings indicate that among Indonesia’s urban poor societies, all age groups are more likely to be NHI members than those who are over 64. Males are 1.03 times more likely than females to be NHI members. In Indonesia’s urban poor societies, all levels of education have a lower chance of being a member of NHI than no education. The likelihood of becoming a member of NHI is 1.097 times greater for employees than for those who are unemployed. In Indonesia’s urban poor societies, people of all marital statuses are more likely to be NHI members than those who are divorced or widowed. The study’s findings support earlier research on the same subject. In our opinion, the NHI adequately safeguards urban poor societies. However, the remaining 28.3% of urban poor societies that the NHI has not yet covered are still in need of the government’s attention.
Keywords: value of agricultural production; government expenditure in agriculture; Johansen cointegration; Granger causality; vector autoregressive
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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