Title: How Do Remittance Outflows React to Saudi Arabia’s Economic Development? Information from NARDL
Abstract: This study aims to investigate how remittance outflows affect Saudi Arabia’s non-oil economic growth (NOGDP). Despite the fact that few studies have looked at the effects of remittance outflows on the economic development of sending countries, none have examined the asymmetric impact on Saudi Arabia’s non-oil economic growth. By examining the uneven impacts of remittance outflows on Saudi NOGDP from 1990 to 2020, this study closes the gaps. The NARDL (Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lags) method serves as the foundation for the empirical estimation. The findings demonstrate that remittance outflows have a significant positive impact on Saudi NOGDP, demonstrating their economic value. We discovered that both the government’s long- and short-term capital and current spending have statistically significant positive effects on NOGDP. As a result, a number of policy suggestions could be taken into account to maximize how well government fiscal policy supports the growth of the non-oil sector. The importation of a highly skilled and productive labor force may have a positive impact on Saudi Arabia’s economic growth due to their crucial role in the growth of the non-oil private sector. For policymakers who must implement a distinctive Saudi policy to diversify the labor market and promote local consumption and investment spending by foreign workers, the positive impact of remittances on Saudi economic growth is crucial.
Keywords: remittance outflows; non-oil GDP (NOGDP); NARDL; Saudi Arabia
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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