Title: Palestinian Economic Growth and Macroeconomic Factors: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach
Abstract: All nations are making every effort to implement effective economic strategies in order to achieve the greatest possible economic prosperity. It appears that nations are aware of a number of factors that might have an impact on economic growth. In light of this, the current study investigates the effects of various macroeconomic variables on Palestine’s economic expansion. The statistical outputs of the ARDL model demonstrate that government debt, donations, government expenditures, and unemployment rate have a negative impact on economic growth by using a wide range of quarterly data spanning from 2001 to 2020. Other elements, such as credit availability, inflation, and total investments, however, have a positive impact on Palestine’s economic development. These dynamic effects of different macroeconomic factors show how macroeconomic factors affect economic prosperity in both negative and positive ways. Regarding the efficacy of various factors for economic health, our analysis offers economic policy officials a number of policy implications. Additionally, it is advised that international organizations working in nations that depend heavily on aid and donations create effective economic policies that can aid such economies in overcoming economic hardship.
Keywords: ARDL; economic growth; macroeconomic factors; Palestine economy
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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