Title: Alkyl-Methoxypyrazines’ Prevalence and Management in a Changing Climate: Viticultural and Oenological Considerations
Abstract: Most wine styles avoid alkyl-methoxypyrazines because they give wine a green, “unripe” flavor and are an important class of odor-active molecules. They can also be derived from some Coccinellidae species when these “ladybugs” are accidentally introduced into the must during harvesting operations. They are naturally occurring grape metabolites in many cultivars. We draw the conclusion that among the anticipated effects of climate change are altered alkyl-methoxypyrazine compositions in many wine regions’ grapes and wines. Therefore, it is crucial and appropriate to carefully consider how to manage them in both the vineyard and winery. In order to maintain wine quality in a challenging and changing climate, this review compiles the pertinent literature on viticultural and oenological interventions aimed at reducing alkyl-methoxypyrazine loads and offers management suggestions.
Keywords: grape secondary metabolites; wine; methoxypyrazines; climate change; ladybug taint; climate adaptation
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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