Title: MicroRNAs in the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension
Abstract: The untreatable and fatal condition known as pulmonary hypertension (PH) eventually results in right heart failure and death. Small, non-coding endogenous RNA molecules known as microRNAs have the ability to regulate gene expression and have an impact on a number of biological functions. MicroRNA expression level changes have been linked to a variety of cardiovascular disorders, and microRNAs have been implicated in the pathogenesis of PH. The role of microRNAs in PH has been the subject of numerous studies in recent years, with a particular emphasis on the expression profiles of microRNAs and their signaling pathways in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) or pulmonary artery endothelial cells (PAECs), PH models, and PH patients. Additionally, a few microRNAs, including miR-150 and miR-26a, have been recognized as promising candidates for the development of PH diagnosis biomarkers. MicroRNAs as biomarkers still face a number of difficulties, including difficulties with normalization, specificity in PH, and a dearth of long-term studies with sizable sample sizes. Furthermore, PH models and human studies have shown that microRNA target drugs are potential therapeutic agents for PH treatment. Synthetic microRNA mimics or antagonists are nevertheless prone to a number of widespread flaws, including poor drug efficacy, ineffective drug delivery, potential toxicity, and particularly off-target effects. Therefore, finding clinically safe and effective microRNA drugs continues to be very difficult, and new discoveries are desperately needed.
Keywords: pulmonary hypertension; microRNAs; diagnostic biomarker; microRNA target drugs; off-target effects
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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