Title: Discriminative Sequencing Methods for RNA Molecules with Specific Terminal Formations: Making Invisible RNA Visible
Abstract: A popular tool for describing the expression profiles of RNAs and their regulation in healthy physiological processes and diseases is next-generation sequencing of RNA molecules (RNA-seq). The majority of the information for short non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs) has been obtained for microRNA (miRNA) analyses by standard RNA-seq, which only captures the sncRNAs with 5 0-phosphate (50-P) and 30-hydroxyl (30-OH) ends. RNA-seq data are increasingly accumulating and widely accessible through publicly accessible sites. Standard RNA-seq cannot effectively amplify and sequence sncRNAs with other terminal formations, such as those with a 50-hydroxyl end (50-OH), a 30-phosphate end, or a 20, 30-cyclic phosphate end (20, 30-cP). These non-miRNA-sncRNAs have been a secret component of the transcriptome because they are invisible in conventional RNA-seq data. Specific RNA-seq methods compatible with different sncRNA terminal formations have been developed, and they have begun to shed light on the previously unknown sncRNAs that lack 50-P/30-OH ends. However, as the functional significance of these sncRNAs has become more apparent. In this review, we summarize the growing field of sncRNAs with various terminal formations and the clever strategies of particular RNA-seq techniques to characterize their expression profiles in a distinctive way.
Keywords: short non-coding RNA; RNA-seq; 20
,30 -cyclic phosphate; cP-RNA-seq; phospho-seq;
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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